Tales of a Teapot - 2020
Funded by the National Lottery Community Fund
Instead of their annual devised show, Good Wolf People and Phoenix Theatre spent lockdown 2020 creating a series of linked audio plays.
Adapting their theme of "Tea Breaks" they have written and performed stories from the life of a teapot spanning almost 200 years.
Grab a cup of tea and listen along to its adventures - three of which are from the pens of brand new writers!
Directors - John Handscombe and Lauren Walker
Writers - Kimberley Gabriel, John Handscombe, Michele Loi, Chiedo Nkwocha and Debbie Williams
Music - Mark Adam Smith
Oliver Adkin | Catherine Ellis | Kimberley Gabriel | John Handscombe | Ruhi Jhunjhunwala | Dougie Keighly | Chiedo Nkwocha | Kim Ougden | Jenny Pohle | Rebecca Schafer | Jo Walker | Lauren Walker | Debbie Williams