Our Spring 2025 Family Show Needs You!

We are looking for a creative individual or team to direct our spring 2025 family show.

Following successful recent family shows and pantomimes like Alice in Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz and Out of the Woods, we’re looking for someone who can bring bundles of enthusiasm, strong inclusive leadership skills and extra artistic creativity - noting our modest community production budget.

For more information on what makes for a good Phoenix director and what makes a successful Phoenix show, check out our Run a show FAQs. You can pitch a script you like or have written yourself, or sign up to receive suggested scripts - check out our call for scripts for more.

You can apply as a team or as an individual - if you apply as an individual, the committee will help ensure you have a creative team in place. All workshops, auditions, rehearsals will take place at Emmanuel Church Hall - the venue for the show is being negotiated.

If you have any other questions about working with Phoenix Players, please get in touch.

Family Show 2025

Key dates and how to apply

Up to and including September 2024 - Flag your interest by emailing committee@phoenixplayers.org.uk - this is not a formal application

September - We will circulate suggested scripts to those who have requested them.

25 September - Deadline for pitches - confirm you are applying by emailing committee@phoenixplayers.org.uk with:

  • The show you’re putting yourself forward to direct

  • A short bio about yourself and why you want to direct this show

  • A short summary of your vision – no more than 250 words

w/c 30 September dates tbc - Short interviews with potential directors/directing teams

Mid-October - Director and show confirmed

TBC January 2025 - Pre-audition workshops begin

TBC April 2025 - Show week

Looking to direct a more traditional musical, rather than a family show? Find out more about our next opportunity.