9 to 5 - 2017
There are fewer women than men called John running FTSE 100 firms.
That's a fact. There are 17 men called John (or Jean) and only 7 women.
We are in 2017.
The show, 9 to 5, is based on a film of the same name, released in 1980 - 37 years ago. In those 37 years we have made some great steps towards gender equality but what 9 to 5 the musical shows you, is that we haven't come nearly as far as we may have thought. At times it feels all too familiar.
At the 2017 Emmy Awards, about to present an award, with Dolly Parton by her side, Jane Fonda exclaimed "Back in 1980, in that movie, we refused to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot" to which Lily Tomlin responded "And in 2017, we still refuse to be controlled by a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical bigot."
9 to 5 is a phenomenal musical. It is a show that will make you laugh, make you cry and lift your spirits in the most inspiring of ways.
Director - Jo Walker
Musical Director - Mark Smith
Franklin Hart - Shaun Smith | Violet Newstead - Annie Houseago | Doralee Rhodes - Gillian Hibbs | Judy Bernly - Solfa Carlile |Roz Keith - Nicky Henderson | Joe Horowitz - Mark Collin | Dwayne Rhodes - Michael Meteer | Josh Newstead - Steven Skilton | Missy Hart - Amanda Shamoon |Maria Johnson - Sere Ogunsanya | Dick Bernly - Jude Figueira | Kathy Keogh - Lauren Walker | Margaret Pomerance - Kim Ougden |Bob Enright - Dougie Keighley | Mr Tinsworthy - Steve Arnold | Detective O’Farrell - Sam Leach | Betty Wilder - Emily Poulton | Margo Phalange - Rebecca Cole |Susan Love - Michelle Hayes |Jan McClauskey - Gemma Chance | Charlene O’Grady - Debbie Williams | Marcia Turner - Laura Boissin | Debett Lemoine - Ellie Raison | Brenda Botting - Laura Cole |Marty Lawly - Leonardo Vasquez | LT. Davis Marshall - Chiedo Nkwocha | Millicent Bumble - Rachel Smedley | Kitty Holloway - Patricia MacHannaford |Veronica Fontaine - Charlotte Cassedanne | Martha Brown - Ruth Jones | Sharon Shapiro - Nicci English