Murder Most Gruesome
The next Phoenix show will be Murder Most Gruesome, a musical comedy murder mystery directed by our very own Penny Mullord.
Audition Pack and Sign up here:
Here are the dates for your diary:
Monday 6th January: Singing & Music workshop at Emmanuel Church Hall
Monday 13th January: Acting & Dancing workshop at Emmanuel Church Hall
Monday 20th January: Day 1 Auditions at Emmanuel Church Hall (video auditions will be available if you cannot make this date)
Tuesday 21st January: Day 2 Auditions at Emmanuel Church Hall (video auditions will be available if you cannot make this date)
Monday 27th January: Rehearsals start
Rehearsals are every Monday except Bank Holidays. There will also be a few additional Thursday and Sunday rehearsals.
Monday 21st April: Show week get-in
24th, 25th, 26th April: Performances